Our Services

We support children to thrive

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disability that affects the way people communicate and interact with the world. Speech pathologists help children with autism spectrum disorders by building communication and social skills. For more information, please contact us.


Reading and spelling are integrated with skills in spoken language. At Seedling we:

  • Improve spoken language to improveĀ  literacy outcomes.
  • Use our specialist knowledge of
    the sounds system of English to help children who are having difficulty with reading and spelling.
  • Help children to use strategies for understanding what they read.
  • Support education staff to implement evidence-based strategies for improving literacy outcomes in the classroom.

Speech Sounds

Many children experience difficulty when learning to produce the sounds required for speech. Speaking is a complex motor and cognitive task that takes time and practice to develop.
Speech pathologists help by assessing, diagnosing and treating speech sound disorders. Speech sound disorders have a variety of underlying causes including physical, phonological (hearing) or motor (movement).
For more information, go to our resources page.


Stuttering is a condition where a person’s speech fluency is disrupted. Stuttering behaviours vary between children but may present as becoming ‘stuck’ on a word or sound, repeating sounds or words, or elongating sounds. Australia is a world leader in stuttering research and intervention. We are trained in the Lidcombe Program, an effective treatment with strong evidence base for pre-school aged children. For further information, go to our resources page.

Understanding & Speaking

Language understanding (comprehension) and speaking (expression) are integral skills for learning at school, social communication and participation in the community. Children learn language through being immersed in spoken language from birth. Reading, singing and playing with your child all help to develop early language skills. Some children take longer to develop these skills or their development is interrupted. Contact us if you are concerned about the way your child understands what you say, the number of words they use, the way they put words together, their use of grammar or the way they interact with others.

Telehealth service

At Seedling Speech Pathology we are pleased to offer Telehealth services for families and communities. We use a secure and compliant video software to conduct our online sessions. If you are outside our local area or feel this would suit your needs, get in touch with us to organise an initial chat and assessment.

Need some more information?

We’d love to hear from you! Call us to discuss our services further and to find out if we are the right fit for you and your child.